Representing and supporting medical oncologists in the UK


Best of ASCO® UK

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RECORDING AVAILABLE. If you missed the live event with a brilliant UK faculty, there is still time to watch the recording from the UK's ASCO® livestreaming event.  Further details and link to register HERE.  


Capacity Issues in Cancer Services

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The ACP, together with the RCR, UKONS and BOPA, are co-signatories on a letter to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.  The letter highlights the increasing challenge of a critical lack of capacity in UK oncology depts, which is impacting on SACT delivery.


A Message from our outgoing Chair

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It has been a great privilege and pleasure to be the ACP Chair over the past five years. During this time advances in cancer medicine have continued at great pace with personalised medicine immunotherapy therapy extending the roles into virtually every type of cancer where these treatments have proved transformative resulting in longer periods of disease control and containment and eradication of cancer in many patients.


National Clinical Impact Awards 2023

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The 2023 National Clinical Impact Awards (formerly Clinical Excellence Awards) round is now open.  In previous years the ACP has been able to support applications as a National Nominating Organisation.  The process has changed in 2023; although the ACP no longer has a formal role, we would stongly encourage members to consider applying.  You are advised to refer ...