Representing and supporting medical oncologists in the UK

Book: Problem Solving in Acute Oncology

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You may be interested in the recently published ACP book on Acute Oncology, Problem Solving in Acute Oncology edited by Ernie Marshall, Alison Young, Peter Clark and Peter Selby, which has been produced in collaboration with the ACP and has been sponsored by the association using funds generated from previous meetings.

The purpose of the book is to focus on the issues around Acute Oncology and the development of acute oncology services.  The first section examines the general challenges of Acute Oncology and subsequent chapters take a Problem Solving approach to individual acute clinical cases.  All chapters are multi-authored, drawing on a wide range of clinical experience in the field.

Key features:

- structured problem solving approach / over 35 cases are examined

- clear, attractive, illustrated presentation including algorithms

- comprehensively referenced

Sample pages are available at Problem Solving in Acute Oncology.

The editors and authors have agreed that profits from the sale of the book will return to the ACP.

We very much hope that members of the ACP will support this initiative.  Members should have received an email on how to obtain a discount on the cover price.

Best wishes

Yours sincerely

Johnathan Joffe MD FCRP

Consultant in Medical Oncology

Chairman of the Association of Cancer Physicians

Peter Selby CBE FMedSci DSc MD FRCR FRCP

Consultant Physician and Professor of Cancer Medicine

President of the Association of Cancer Physicians

Book Details:

Problem Solving in Acute Oncology  ed E Marshall, A Young, P Clark and P Selby

ISBN 978 1 84692 108 7 Publisher: Clinical Publishing, Oxford